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Zephyr Careers: Guidelines for posting a position

Finding and hiring the best talent in open source software and the Zephyr ecosystem space is no easy task. We know this is a top concern of our members. Zephyr Careers is a space for our members to post their open opportunities and for the community to come and find their Zephyr job!

Zephyr Careers is open for members (Platinum, Silver, and Associate) to post and manage job listings. Interested parties will interact directly with you, the member, through your existing job hiring tools and processes.

Please follow these rules:

  • Post only job openings that are relative to the Zephyr ecosystem
  • Jobs can be either technical or non-technical
  • Jobs can be full-time, part-time, freelance, and/or internships
  • Only post jobs you currently have open

To post your open jobs:

  1. Go to the Submit a Job page
  2. If you do not have a Linux Foundation SSO, you can create one on this page by entering your email address / user name. Your account details will be confirmed by email.
  3. Complete all the required fields and any of the optional fields you desire.
  4. Click ‘Preview’ to review the listing
  5. If you need to edit click ‘Edit Listing”, make your edits and then “Preview” again
  6. Once you are satisfied with your listing, click “Submit Listing”
  7. You will then receive a message that your “Job was submitted successfully”
  8. Your listing will be visible once approved. If you do not see your listing on the job board or are not contacted within 48hrs, please contact
  9. Once your job is approved, you will be notified
  10. Job Postings will automatically expire after 30 days, at which point you will be contacted and provided the opportunity to keep listed if the position remains open.
  11. You are also welcome to advertise your open Zephyr position in the #job-postings channel of the Zephyr Discord (

To see your listing (and all the listings!), go to Zephyr Careers.

Zephyr Project staff will not see applications submitted for your open positions; the applications will be routed to the job posting system you link to.

Zephyr will promote and predominantly display the job board across all our communication channels. Please do so as well!

Any questions, email