ESP32 is a popular family of low-cost and connected SoCs. It is popular amongst hobbyists, and it is also used in commercial applications.
- The first ESP32 support on Zephyr RTOS was available in 2017 on Zephyr v1.9.0. Only a basic set of peripherals was supported (I2C, GPIO, UART), and applications could only run from SRAM.
- Espressif started to contribute to the work in 2021.
is based on the modified version of ESP-IDF- The IDF versions used in the Zephyr were:
- Recent versions of
are made with an emphasis on more flexible updates and new SoC support
Current development status
The complete support status is tracked in the following GitHub issue: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/issues/29394
Getting started guide
The generic Zephyr Getting Started Guide can be used to set up the development environment, with only a few ESP32-specific steps.
After the “Install the Zephyr SDK” step, fetch and update the binary blobs needed to build the Wi-Fi applications:
$ west blobs fetch hal_espressif
More information can be obtained from the ESP32 based boards’ documentation.
Here are a few examples of boards maintained by the Espressif Systems:
- esp32_devkitc_wroom
- esp32_devkitc_wrover
- esp32s2_saola
- esp32s3_devkitm
- esp32c3_devkit
- …
To get a complete list of ESP32 based boards take a look here:
Further information
Don’t hesitate and check out the Discord channel to get in touch with ESP32 Zephyr developers!
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