AUGUST 24, 2019
The Development of Embedded System Technology and China’s Embedded System Industry (The 25th ESBF Forum)

An embedded system is at the core of the information technology and electronic industries; it is also an integral part of an intelligent system. As the IoT and AI technologies develop, embedded operating systems (OSes) are playing an increasingly important role in intelligent systems. With a long history, several categories, and a wide spectrum of usages, embedded OS is an umbrella term that covers many different types of software systems: RTOS, open-source Linux, robotic OSes, router OSes, IoT OSes, and edge computing platforms.
On August 24 at the Beihang University Hangzhou Innovation Park Bldg. 8, ESBF invited 15 experts and scholars who excel in the research, education, development, and maintenance of embedded OSes to cover topics about the newest technologies, opportunities, and business models; it will also center around critical issues like standardization of embedded OSes, the construction of the ecosystem, and international partnerships.

Zephyr Project member Dr. Wei (Wayne) Ren, R&D Manager, Synopsys ARC Processor Software, will provide an overview of Zephyr at 11-11:30 am.
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