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Enhancing Signal Processing Through Transparent AI in an Embedded Sensor System

By April 3, 2024No Comments

A Preview of the upcoming Embedded World Conference talk by Oliver Völckers, Founder and Managing Director at BeST Berliner Sensortechnik GmbH

As we anticipate our upcoming participation in the Embedded World Conference in Nuremberg, Germany, we are excited to provide a sneak peek into what lies ahead.

In our upcoming presentation on April 10th, 2:15 PM – 2:45 PM we will look into the topic of enhancing signal processing through transparent AI in an embedded sensor system, all built using Zephyr RTOS.

We’ve been focused on improving the signal processing part of the pump monitor. Since we couldn’t use traditional machine learning in this Edge application, we had to think outside the box and come up with something new. We’re pretty happy with our unique approach, and I’m excited to tell you more about it.

If you’re at Embedded World, swing by the Zephyr stand (Hall 4, Stand 170) to see a demo of the pump monitor. You’ll get a firsthand look at what we’ve been working on and how we’ve overcome some challenges along the way.

The pump monitor BeST has built relies on efficient multitasking. The sensors, RFID and wireless communication need to work in parallel without delay. As the device is battery powered, energy efficiency is also a priority. Zephyr is the most important real-time operating system (RTOS) available today, with the best support specifically for the Nordic Semiconductor chips we use.

One thing we really appreciate about Zephyr is that it is open source. It helped us improve quality and security, and made collaborating with our partners much smoother.

Embedded World is a great opportunity for everyone in the industry to share experiences and learn from each other. It’s where we get to connect with suppliers and other developers who understand the challenges of working with limited resources.

While embedded computing might not be everyone’s cup of tea, we love the challenges. It consists mostly of customized designs, so personal contacts are important. In most cases, you cannot just buy off-the-shelf equipment from anywhere. You need to know your suppliers and want to maintain good relationships. That’s why we keep coming back to events like Embedded World, where we can connect with others who share our passion.

So, if you’re at Embedded World, we look forward to welcoming you to the talk at the Embedded World Conference or seeing you at the Zephyr Project Booth (Hall 4-170) in the Exhibition Hall, where we can explore the possibilities of IoT development with Zephyr.

Learn more about the presentation here.