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Open Source Summit North America (Virtual Event)

Open Source Summit North America, which takes place on June 29-July 2, will take place as a virtual event for the first time ever this year. OSS NA is the leading conference for developers, architects, and other technologists – as well as open source community and industry leaders – to collaborate, share information, learn about the latest technologies and gain a competitive advantage by using innovative open solutions.

The Zephyr Project will be featured in several sessions including:

Monday, June 29:

11:30 am – 12:20 pm: IoT Root of Trust – Knowing Who We are and Who to Trust – David Brown, Linaro

When an IoT device connects to the cloud, how do we know it is a device we should trust? How do we know the device is running the intended firmware. How does the device know that it can trust the cloud service? How does the lifecycle of a device affect its identity. The bootloader plays a key role in establishing this trust.

In this presentation, David Brown will cover the notion of trust and identity as it relates to the initial bootloader. What is meant by “root of trust”. The talk will cover various aspects of identity, including: secure boot, attestation, device identity, and provisioning. Although MCUboot will be used for specific examples, the presentation is generally applicable. Add it to your schedule here.

Tuesday, June 30:

11:15 am – 1:05 pm: (Tutorial) Zephyr RTOS juicy features using simple evaluation boards and robots – Maksim Masalski, Intel

During that tutorial Maksim will give introduction into Zephyr RTOS and its features using inexpensive educational microcomputers initially designed to involve kids into the world of the programming. This way developers and makers can easily start development of the hardware IoT prototypes powered by Zephyr RTOS. Maksim will describe powerful features of the open-source Zephyr RTOS and will demonstrate them using development boards and robots. After the tutorial, attendees will know more about Zephyr RTOS, will know more about Bluetooth Mesh, what applications can use Zephyr and how they can start using Zephyr for their IoT project development with help of the vast open-source community. Add it to your schedule here:

Wednesday, July 1:

9:00 – 9:20 am: (Keynote) Open Source in Safety Critical Applications: The End Game – Kate Stewart, Senior Director of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation

The last 20 years have seen a tremendous surge of new technologies and capabilities emerge from open source software. Open source building blocks have become increasingly attractive as the base for innovative new products. Safety critical applications are now starting to consider using them as well. This talk will look at some of the challenges and approaches to building trust and confidence in open source used in safety critical software coming to new products near you… or perhaps, even in you. Add this to your schedule:

12:15-1:05 pm: Software update (OTA) for Zephyr – Pathiban Nallathambi, Linumiz

Zephyr devices can be connected in two possible (direct and in-direct) ways to the internet. Directly using Modem/WiFi/Ethernet medium or in-directly via local radio through Gateways like Linux. Upgrading such Zephyr system in the field is a complex task and must be robust, secure.

This talk will details various possible update solutions available like UpdateHub, Hawkbit, SWUpdate for Zephyr. Using a NXP FRDM-K64F board as an example, we will discuss and demo different possible ways for updating Zephyr system. Add this to your schedule:

2:35 – 3:25 pm: Managing the Wind – Remote management for Zephyr devices with LwM2M – Frederic Desbiens, Eclipse Foundation

LightweightM2M (LwM2M) by OMA SpecWorks is a device management protocol designed for sensor networks and the demands of a machine-to-machine (M2M) environment. It is designed for the remote management of devices and is based on the Contrained Application Protocol (CoAP, RFC 7252), which itself provides an interaction model similar to the client/server model of HTTP.

The Zephyr RTOS from the Linux Foundation possesses built-in support for LwM2M. In this presentation, you will discover how to leverage LwM2M to manage Zephyr-based devices. You will understand the pros and cons of using Zephyr’s built-in LwM2M client. You will also learn about various LwM2m servers, including the Eclipse Leshan open source project, which you can use to build your own LwM2M management server. Add this to your schedule:

For more information or to register, please visit the Open Source Summit website: