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Zephyr Open Source Summit/Embedded Linux Conference (Sept 2021) Videos

By October 28, 2021No Comments

Open Source Summit and Embedded Linux Conference, held in Seattle, Washington as well as virtually on September 27-30, gathered 1,944 total attendeesApproximately, 482 of those attended in person from 760 organizations across 68 countries around the globe. Learn more about the event in the post-event report here.

Several Zephyr community contributors and members presented Zephyr-related topics at the event. Please see below for the videos of a few of the presentations:

Keynote presentation – Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation

Zephyr Project: RTOS Start-up and Initialization Flow – David Leach, NXP

The Zephyr RTOS has a startup and initialization flow that provides for initialization of C runtime, platform, SOC, and managed bring-up of drivers and system services, allowing developers to initialize custom platforms and hardware for their applications. This presentation will provide a high-level outline of this initialization flow to equip the developer with a deeper understanding of the Zephyr RTOS and how it starts-up and initializes the system, followed by a deeper look into this flow to highlight the hooks provided that allow custom platform/hardware specific initialization. Initialization run levels will also be discussed with examples. Specific SOC architecture differences will be highlighted with a deep dive into 32-bit ARM architecture.

Cross Debugging on Linux : A History, Current State of the Art and Coming Improvements – Thierry Bultel, IoT.BzH

Cross debugging, and more generally, remote debugging, is something that may be unknown, or badly used, by either beginner engineers, or sometimes even by senior engineers, for several reasons. Some people simply do not know that remote debugging tools exist, some might consider the complex setup as a show-stopper, some other ones may not trust the tools (and we can explain why). Yet the return of investment of such tools is significant, provided that they are used appropriately. This presentation tells about the first-fruits of cross-debugging, going through some lived examples, some architecture schemes and functionnal descriptions, comparing the existing solutions (eg, gdb-server vs lldb vs tcf …), and their integration in IDEs (Eclipse, VsCode). A technical chapter about the debugger mysteries, explains, particularly, why multithread, or SMP debugging is a complex issue, and how existing debuggers deal with it. A chapter of performance analysis tools (eg, valgrind) is presented, too, in order to offer a kind of swiss army knife to the listeners. As a conclusion, a short presentation of the debug tools on another OpenSource OS (Zephyr) is done.

Field Report: Setting up a Software Product Line (SPL) Architecture based on Zephyr – Gregory Shue, Legrand

During the past 20 years, the Software Engineering Institute ( has gathered and distilled best practices in creating and managing a Software Product Line (SPL) solution for efficiently developing and sustaining a closely-related system of software-intensive products. This type of solution has successfully been used for delivering and sustaining products ranging from pagers to medical devices to military ship control systems. With the onset of regulations in IoT device security, this presentation evaluates Zephyr RTOS and ecosystem as a basis for a customer-specific SPL for secure IoT devices. The results are promising, but…

zenoh: A Next-Generation Protocol for IoT and Edge Computing – Frédéric Desbiens, Eclipse Foundation

Message-oriented protocols such as MQTT and AMQP are the backbone of many IoT and Edge Computing projects. If you are an embedded developer using Linux or Zephyr, you now have access to a new alternative: Eclipse zenoh. Zenoh is a rapidly growing open source project that unifies data in motion, data at rest and computations. Written in Rust, it blends traditional publish/subscribe patterns with geographically distributed storage, queries and computations. It is also optimized for maximal throughput and minimal resource usage, which make it a good fit for constrained environments. In this presentation, you will learn about the fundamentals of the zenoh protocol and understand how you can use it through real-world use cases. You will also learn how to get started with it on Linux and Zephyr and see a live demo.

To view other Open Source Summit and Embedded Linux Conference videos, click here. To view other Zephyr -related videos, please check out the Zephyr Youtube Channel here.