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Zephyr @ Open Source Summit Europe (Videos)

By November 22, 2022No Comments

On September 13-17, Zephyr was on-site at Open Source Summit Europe, hosted in Dublin, Ireland and virtually this year.

Zephyr kicked off the conference with an in-person Mini-Summit that provided an overview of the latest technologies and plans emerging from the Zephyr community. Learn more about Zephyr by watching the videos from the Mini-Summit here.

Other sessions that featured Zephyr include:

To RTOS or not RTOS: That is the Question – Frederic Desbiens, Program Manager — IoT and Edge Computing, Eclipse Foundation

Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) have been a fixture of embedded computing for a long time and, more recently, IoT. Popular open-source options such as FreeRTOS and Zephyr support a wide range of hardware and provide features such as storage and networking. However, many open source projects aim to deliver many of the same features in a “bare metal” approach. In other words: they deliver frameworks that enable your applications to run directly on the hardware. Given this, which approach is right for your project? In this presentation, Frédéric Desbiens will explain the pros and cons of RTOSes and the bare metal approach. You will learn about the architecture and feature set of FreeRTOS and Zephyr in the process. You will also discover contrasting os-less frameworks such as Arduino, Espressif IDF, and Drogue IoT, which uses the Rust programming language. 

Interfacing Sensor with Zephyr for IoT Devices, Dinesh Kumar K, Embedded Software Engineer, Linumiz

Sensors are the devices which can monitor and measure environment based on synchronous or asynchronous events. Zephyr RTOS provides a sensor subsystem to make easy and uniform interactions with a variety of different sensors. In this talk we will explore possible ways to interface different types of sensor and use with zephyr. Also primarily focuses to add support for new sensor and share experiences about mainlining zephyr. Closing with demostration for temperature/pressure/fingerprint sensor. 

SBOMs: Essential for Embedded Systems Too! – Kate Stewart, VP of Dependable Embedded Systems, The Linux Foundation

With the recent focus on improving Cybersecurity, the expectation that a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) can be produced, is becoming the norm. Having a clear understanding of the software running on an embedded system, especially in safety critical applications, like medical devices, energy infrastructure, etc. has become essential. Regulatory authorities have recognized this and are starting to expect it as a condition for engagement. Safety critical certifications require this level of information already, it just needs to be shared in a standard format so others can do better risk management and vulnerability analysis, as well. This talk will provide an overview of the emerging regulatory landscape, as well as examples of how SBOMs are already being generated today for embedded systems by open source projects such as Zephyr, Yocto and others. 

Contributing to Zephyr vs (Linux and U-boot) – Parthiban Nallathambi, CTO, Linumiz

With 4+ years of history, zephyr community is growing into next generation and de-facto RTOS for SoC’s without MMU (Microcontrollers). With open source, as contributors centric and plays the vital role in driving the technology, addition of new architecture support and bleeding edge features. This talk will details the process and guidelines of contribution to zephyr. Also compares the process with Linux Kernel and U-boot patching system and contribution methodology to share the insights. Provoking the mainlining/open source needs for Microcontrollers platforms with zephyr and shares the tips & tricks to get your patch merged faster with details about release cycles.

USB Support in Zephyr OS – Johann Fischer, R&D Engineer, Nordic Semiconductor

Johann will make an overview of the overhauled USB device support in Zephyr OS, from the USB controller driver (UDC) API and tips on how to implement a new controller driver, to the USB device stack interface to classes or functions. In the second part the Johann will present the basic USB host support and USB host controller API, as deep as it is developed at the time of the presentation. The third part puts focus on the testing the entire USB subsystem.

If you have questions or would like to chat with any of our Zephyr speakers, ambassadors or members of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), please join us on Discord.

Zephyr Project